UDK 338.45
A. P. Sukhodolov1, Y. A. Sukhodolov2
1Baikal State University 11, Lenin Str., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation 2Ministry for International Cooperation and Foreign Economic Relations of Zabaykalsky Region 37, Anokhin Str., Chita, Zabaykalsky Region, 672010, Russian Federation
The article considers the issue of creating a new Russian aerospace centre in Zabaykalsky region with the participation of the state corporations Roscosmos and Rostec and involving Zabaykalsky region military-industrial complex plants in this process. It is stated in the article that the worsening of the socio-economic situation in Zabaykalsky region is caused by liquidating Zabaykalsky military command region which has resulted in the state defense order being reduced and has counted against machine-building plants of the military-industrial complex. All of this has also resulted in many highly qualified specialists and their families leaving Zabaykalsky region. A proposal to create a new aerospace industry centre in Zabaykalsky region has been made. Creating such a centre will do well to socio-economic development of Zabaykalsky region, because of the centre’s becoming part of the aerospace cluster, forming around Vostochny cosmodrome, as well as because of using the advantages of placing aerospace machine plants and aerospace equipment plants in Zabaykalsky region instead of using those ones located in the European part of Russia. This will allow the creation of one territory industrial complex of Siberian Region and the Far East Region by organising production aimed at meeting the requirements of Vostochny cosmodrome, as well as Eastern Siberia and the Far East aircraft plants, and exporting goods which are in demand in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. A conclusion is drawn that creating a new aerospace industry centre aimed at producing high-technology products which are in high demand in Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, will contribute to economic, industrial and intellectual development of Zabaykalsky region, and will also improve the economy of Siberian Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District.
Keywords: Siberian Federal District, Far Eastern Federal District, Zabaykalsky region, aerospace industry, machine engineering, Vostochny cosmodrome.

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Sukhodolov Alexander Petrovich – Dr. Sc., professor, Rector, Baikal State University. E-mail: rector@bgu.ru.

Sukhodolov Yakov Aleksandrovich – Cand. Sc., Head of International and Interregional Cooperation Department

of Ministry for International Cooperation and Foreign Economic Relations of Zabaykalsky Region. Е-mail:
