UDK 338.45.01
V. G. Brevnov
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
Military-industrial complex and its machine-building enterprises are the driving force of the Russian Federation economic development. For a long time, the conversion processes provided the dissemination of innovative developments of the defense industry in the economy civilian sectors. Military products and dual-use industries are necessary, first of all, to meet the needs of the national armed forces and foreign customers, and the development of the national economy. The most important direction for further improvement industry is its sustainable development. At present, the domestic machine-building defense industry enterprises are implementing many large-scale projects aimed at maintaining the pace of sustainable operation and development the industry in order to modernize and implement a number of state programs. The domestic defense industry is undoubtedly one of the leaders in the global production profile products, a producer of technologies, as evidenced by the growing demand for the armament nomenclature and related technologies. At the moment, during the period of global changes, further development trends of the industry are traced, namely: changes in the volume and production structure, the change in technological structures, and changes in prices for resources. At the same time, defense engineering enterprises face with a number of difficulties in the management, marketing, finance and production areas. On the basis analysis of existing problems, the most important factors influencing the activity machine-building enterprises were identified and grouped. The signs of their classification are the following: a functional group, the source impact and its duration, the degree of variability, controllability, the direction the impact on sustainability. Such a classification will make it possible to propose the indicators system for assessing the sustainable development and functioning of machine-building enterprises in the industry. Sustainable development implies the coherence of not only economic, but also social, as well as, environmental activities of the enterprise, with economic, social and environmental factors highlighted. Within the economic group factors, management, market, production and financial subgroups are identified. The features activity of machine-building enterprises are explored, which makes it possible to develop ways of solving existing problems more effectively while ensuring stable functioning in short-term and sustainable development in the long term.
Keywords: innovations, defense industry complex, stability, sustainable development, machine-building enterprises, factors of sustainable development.

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Brevnov Vasily Grigoryevich – engineer of a methodical cabinet at dissertational councils, Reshetnev Siberian

State University of Science and Technology. Е-mail Vasiliy.brevnov@mail.ru.