UDK 62-506.1
N. V. Koplyarova, A. V. Medvedev
Siberian Federal University 79, Svobodny Аv., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation Е-mail: koplyarovanv@mail.ru
The task of identification and control of nonlinear dynamic processes Hammerstein class in partial non-parametric uncertainty is considered. Currently, the most widely used approach to the identification and management of such systems is the parameterization as a linear dynamic level, and non-linear. When building a model of the system Hammerstein the input and output variables with noise are naturally used. After pre-parameterization of the model, an evaluation phase of the parameters in the latter is usually followed. Obviously, that not enough accurate parameterization of the model is fraught with the fact that the quality of the management of such a system may not be satisfactory. This article is devoted to investigation of the case, the equation of linear block process is not known with an accuracy of parameters, and we only know that the process is linear and non-linear unit set up to parameters. This approach makes the system under consideration more than adequate to problems of practice. At the first stage model of linear dynamic block is built. To construct a non-parametric model of the last input object must submit the Heaviside function, in this case, the output of the object to within a factor is its transition function. Reconstruction of the weight function is carried out by the observations of transitional methods of nonparametric statistics. To estimate the parameters of non-linear element it is necessary to conduct appropriate experiments. Next, we consider the problem management system Hammerstein, given appropriate non-parametric control algorithms for cases where non-linear element is a quad. We should pay particular attention to the fact that in the identification of nonlinear dynamic system class Hammerstein, subject only to the control input and output variables. In the manufacture of space capabilities are often faced with the need to manage such objects. These models and nonparametric control algorithms are useful in creating computer systems of technical diagnostics with vibration testing of spacecraft (SC) on the channel: Vibrate - sensor mounted on the spacecraft, as well as systems of production and technological processes of aerospace technology. A numerical investigation of the proposed control algorithms for discrete-continuous systems class Hammerstein under different conditions (at different levels of noise in the measurement channels, a different sample size and types of input actions) has been conducted. The results of computer studies show the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.
a priori information, nonparametric identification, control, nonlinear dynamic system model Hammerstein.

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Koplyarova Nadezhda Vladimirovna – assistant, Department of Information Systems, Institute of Information and Space Technologies, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: koplyarovanv@mail.ru

Medvedev Aleksandr Vasil'evich – Dr. Sc., Professor, Department of Information Systems, Institute of Information and Space Technologies, Siberian Federal University.