UDK 519.87 Doi: 10.31772/2587-6066-2020-21-1-21-27
Raskina A. V., Videnin S. A., Chzhan E. A., Yusupova R. R.
Siberian Federal University, 79, Svobodnyy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation. Е-mail: raskina.1012@gmail.com
The article proposes an approach to developing the architecture of a service-oriented information processing system, modeling and process control. The system, which is being developed, is a tool for identifying, predicting and controlling discrete-continuous processes. Its mathematical apparatus is based on nonparametric algorithms of identification and control. The software architecture includes the following main modules: the module for processing data, modeling and forecasting output process variables and the process control module. The first module includes data preprocessing algorithms: normalization, centering and analysis of outliers and omissions. The modeling module is an algorithm for research and recovery dependencies between process variables, process identification using nonparametric estimation of the regression function from observations. The last module is an implementation of nonparametric dual control algorithms. Control devices built on the basis of these algorithms perform functions of both object control and its study. The article discusses the application of architectural solutions based on two proven approaches in the field of software development: the composite approach and the service- oriented approach.. The main principles of composite architecture as a set of software systems with many characteristics that perform a specific task and service-oriented architecture as a modular approach to software development are described. The advantages of the applied composite service-oriented architecture over other variants of software architecture for control systems are shown, in particular, monolithic software architecture is compared with composite service-oriented architecture. This means that a researcher can use a single operation, which is a logically isolated, repeated task related to the production process of the enterprise. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure positive results when integrating with existing software products of enterprises which greatly complicates and requires the development of new components, as well as support for the "inherited" parts of the system.
Keywords: service-oriented architecture, software development, design of process control systems.

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Raskina Anastasia Vladimirovna – Cand. Sc., associate professor of Department of Information Systems, Siberian
Federal University, School of Space and Information Technology. E-mail: raskina.1012@yandex.ru.
Videnin Sergey Aleksandrovich – Cand. Sc., associate professor of Department of Information Systems, Siberian
Federal University, School of Space and Information Technology. E-mail: videninserg@mail.ru.
Chzhan Ekaterina Anatolyevna – Cand. Sc., associate professor of Department of Intelligent Control Systems,
Siberian Federal University, School of Space and Information Technology. E-mail: ekach@list.ru.
Yusupova Ramilya Ramilevna – student, Siberian Federal University, School of Space and Information Technology. E-mail: sr.eagleowl@gmail.com.